How to become an EPF agent

The Club Penguin PSA Headquarters broke down, so Gary made some quick thinking and the Elite Penguin Force was born. Even though you are a PSA Agent, you are not an EPF Agent just yet. To complete Field-Ops and earn medals to unlock some cool gadgets, you must follow the steps below.

1. Login Club Penguin
2. Go to the Ski Village
3. Go inside the Everyday Phoning Facility, where the Sports Shop used to be placed.
4. Click the ringing telephone in the black telephone booth.
5. Hit the red and white target in the top-right corner with a snowball.
6. Wait until a screen pops out of the wall.
7. Go to the green square in the lower-right corner. A cage will trap you for a moment.
8. Wait until the big screen says “GO!”. The cage around you will disappear.
9. Quickly click the red square in the lower-left corner to make your penguin run towards it. Clicking it several times will make your penguin walk slower!
10. Move away from the red square.
11. You will have 20 seconds to complete hide from Camera 1 and Camera 2.
12. Go behind the giant stone in the lower-right corner
13. When you’re there, throw a snowball at Camera 2. It will block it’s sight, this way it can’t spot you.
14. Wait until you see the power box gathering electricity.
15. The screen will ask you to move towards the blue square. DO NOT go on top of it.
16. Throw a snowball at the power box located in the lower-right corner.

1, Login to Club Penguin
2, Go to the Town
3, Go inside the Coffee Shop
4, Go up the stairs in the bottom-right corner
5, Click on the book in the bottom-right corner
6, Click "Yearbook 2009-2010
7, Click on "June" in the "2010" column
8, Click the letters, “E, P, F” on the picture of the “Everday Phoning Facility.” The letters should turn red after you click them.  
9,  Click the penguin’s EPF Spy Phone.
10, A message that says "We are impressed with your skills. You will make an excellent secret agent. Take the test at the Facility. Join us. From: The Elite Penguin Force" will appear.11, Go to the Ski Village or click "GO THERE" on the invitation.12. Go inside the Everyday Phoning Facility, where the Sports Shop used to be placed.
13. Click the ringing telephone in the black telephone booth.
14. Hit the red and white target in the top-right corner with a snowball.
15. Wait until a screen pops out of the wall.
16. Go to the green square in the lower-right corner. A cage will trap you for a moment.
17. Wait until the big screen says “GO!”. The cage around you will disappear.
18. Quickly click the red square in the lower-left corner to make your penguin run towards it. Clicking it several times will make your penguin walk slower!
19. Move away from the red square.
20. You will have 20 seconds to completely hide from Camera 1 and Camera 2.
21. Go behind the giant stone in the lower-right corner
22. When you’re there, throw a snowball at Camera 2. It will block it’s sight, this way it can’t spot you.
23. Wait until you see the power box gathering electricity.
24. The screen will ask you to move towards the blue square. DO NOT go on top of it.
25. Throw a snowball at the power box located in the lower-right corner